Banner for the 'Site promotion' mailing listWe designed a banner for the free mailing list of Architectural Fasade Technologies company  About the 'Site promotion'How can one get customers from the Net? This is a vital issue for many
companies who notice the success of competitors who mastered Internet
technologies. A good website is needed but having a perfect site isn't
enough to succeed.
The other thing you need is promotion. 
Promotion is a system of interrelated activities that ensure website
visits by users that are interested in provided goods, services, or
information. Here are the key trends:
- optimization for search engines,
- context ads,
- banner exchange,
- mailing lists.
To evaluate the efficiency of applied methods, you need to know how to
collect and analyze the great load of statistical data.
That's what this mailing is about. It is meant for webmasters and
content managers of corporate resources, Internet marketing and ad
specialists, as well as heads of companies that deal with e-business
or in this or that way use Internet in their commercial activities.
All info is brought by "Ashmanov and Partners", the first company in
Russia that organized a conference/seminars on the strategy of website
promotion in search engines.
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