Logo and boxes design for BastionWe have drawn a logo and boxes design for Bastion.  About BastionSecurity-fire GSM signaling Bastion company - this is a popular equipment, which instantly took the leading position in the world market.
The manufacturer took into account the mistakes of competitors and implemented an innovative tandem, which combines the latest technology with the optimal cost of the device.
The company thoroughly tests the equipment before production, there can be no question of producing defective models. Box design Picture of the box in assembled form Information about signalizationGSM signaling Bastion company has an impressive list of distinctive features:
- remote control of the security system,
- affordable cost,
- high reliability,
- wide range,
- simple installation,
- the possibility of creating individual protection
Security-fire GSM signaling Bastion company can additionally be equipped with smoke detectors, motion, glass breakage, gas leakage.
You can independently set the alarm for all possible threats in the house. It interacts with the phone.
In case of danger, you will instantly receive a notification on your gadget.Box design for a street siren Photo of other boxes assembled
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