Product icon in Vista style, set of icons for toolbar and menu, splash screen, logotype for Cucku Backup, icon Favicon.ico for website, and name cards for Cucku, Inc.We've designed a product icon in Vista style, set of icons for toolbar and menu, splash screen, logotype for Cucku Backup,
icon Favicon.ico for website, and name cards for Cucku, Inc.  Product icon for Cucku Backup About Cucku Backup Cucku, Inc. is a free and easy way for you to protect all of your data.
We all know we should back up our data but few of us actually do it. When we do backup, it is usually to an external
hard drive, CD or DVD. It is easy to lose a CD or DVD, and an external hard drive is just as likely to be stolen or
damaged along with your PC.
 Cucku backs up your files first to an alternative hard drive on your PC, and then sends an encrypted
copy to your trusted backup partner. The copy of your data is stored in the unused space on the hard drive of your
friend's PC.  Cucku, Inc. has been designed with ease of use in mind. It is easy to setup and completely automated.
Cucku knows how to detect the files and folders that should be included in a backup and selects the best
location to store backups.  Cucku keeps all versions of files that it has backed up. You can restore a specific version of an
individual file or all versions of files prior to a particular date and time. Therefore, if you accidentally modify a
file, back it up then regret the change, you will be able to still restore the previous version of your file. 
 Backup is only part of the story. When it comes to restore, many online services will only allow you to restore over
the Internet. Cucku's local backup means that you can restore files without delay from a local copy.
Even better, if the worst happens and your PC is damaged, lost or stolen, you can restore your files from your partner. 
 If you have a lot of data to restore invite your partner over for dinner, with their computer of course, and quickly
restore over your home network. You can't do that with a datacenter!
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