Set of icons, a product icon, and a file icon for inCard Producer by AkondWe've designed a set of icons, a file icon, and a product icon for inCard Producer by Akond  File icon for inCard Producer About inCard ProducerinCard software is designed for ID card design and printing (create ID card template, create database,
enter the personal and other information, insert photographs, preview and print ready ID cards).  inCard software supports two modes: Designer (create ID card designs and setup databases) and Producer
(enter personal information, photographs, and print ID cards).  inCard features:
- Create ID card templates. The following objects can be used in the ID card design: line, rectangle, image, text,
bar code, finger print, counter.
- Create and manage databases (of the permanent or temporary employeers, clients, visitors, etc.) The number of
information fields in the database is not limited.
- Capture ID photos with Canon PowerShot or Olympus cameras controlled from computer with inPhoto Capture software
or load ID images to the database from disk.
- Print ready ID cards on the standard Windows compatible card printers.
Warning! Graphic images herein are displayed for reference only.
You can't use them in your programs, but you can order the design of your own graphic images.