The website, logotype and Favicon.ico icon for NPK "Industrial systems"We created the website for NPK "Industrial systems"  Favicon.ico icon for Industrial systems There have been carried out the following work:
- design, cutting and making-up of the template in accordance with
the Joomla Content Management Systems;
- integrating and adjustment of the plug-in VirtueMart for
arrangement of an online-shop;
- creating extra modules for the shop and catalog;
- primary filling of the site with information;
- logotype for website
- icon Favicon.ico for website
About NPK "Industrial systems"NPK "Industrial systems" is a provider of a wide range of components for
automatization of machines, engineering tools and industrial processes as
well as companion software and equipment. We cater from Taiwan, South
Korea, Japan and Italy. We realize warranty and post-warranty service of
the equipment of the purchased equipment, provide consulting support
concerning all technical questions, which a customer faces while having a
deal with the delivery. The example of the site's appearance The Supply Program of NPK "Industrial systems"
contains all necessary equipment, utility and components for
automatization of detached production units as well as large-scale
industries. Such variety gives us great opportunities of choice along with
the realization our own projects.
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