Product icon and set of icons for WebMoney Advisor by WebMoney TransferWe've created product icon and set of icons for WebMoney Advisor by WebMoney Transfer  About WebMoney AdvisorWebMoney Advisor is a web-browser add-on developed for users of WebMoney Transfer system.
WebMoney Advisor is integrated into the interface of your browser (Internet Explorer 6.0+ or Mozilla Firefox 2.0+)
as a special toolbar.  WebMoney Advisor performs the following functions:
- constant monitoring of web-sites opened in the browser whether they belong to the community of WebMoney internet resources
- warning the user before navigating to a malicious (unsafe) web-site
- allowing the user to leave a comment about any web-site
- quick navigation to
- quick navigation to the list of services and projects in WebMoney system
- quick navigation to Arbitration service web-site of WebMoney system for making a complaint about a web-site opened in your browser
- quick launch of WM Keeper Classic or WM Keeper Light
See also:
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