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Set of ingredients icons for Cuisine Royale game

We have drawn the ingredient icons for the new game shooter Cuisine Royale

Ingredient icons for the game Cuisine Royale

About this game

Cuisine Royale is an all-kitchen-warfare Battle Royale game with the most honest system for Loot Boxes ever. It's made by the developers of squad based MMO shooter Enlisted and is completely free. In battles, you get ingredients that are used for "cooking" new suites, masks, gestures and other cosmetic items that don't influence your combat effectiveness.

Read more about the game on the developer's site: Cuisine Royale

Game store screenshots with ingredients icons

Screenshot of the game store ( with new icons of ingredients:

Set of ingredients

An example of detailed information about one of the ingredients of Cuisine Royale - Bellissimo in the game store


More about Game store: Cuisine Royale

Other works for Gaijin Entertainment

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